Videobook a lap alján


A Magyar Szociológiai Társaság elnökségének szervezésében Somlai Péter beszél a Pegrave-Macmillan „Sociology Transformed” sorozatában 2019 –ben megjelent Sociology in Hungary - A Social, Political and Institutional Historyc könyvről.

Szerzők: Karády Victor, Nagy, Péter Tibor


This book is the first English-language study of the social, intellectual and institutional history of sociology and the social sciences in Hungary.

Starting with the emergence of the discipline in the early 20th century, Karady and Nagy chart its development throughout various transformations of Hungarian society: from the liberal Dual Monarchy, through the respective Christian and Stalinist regimes, and culminating in the modern scholarly field today. Drawing on large-scale prosopographical materials, the authors use empirically-based socio-historical analysis to measure the impact of successive and radical regime changes on the country's intellectual life.

This will be an important and original point of reference for scholars and students of historical sociology, and Eastern European intellectual history.

Időpont : 2020 febr 7 14.30

Helyszín. ELTE TÁTK Kari tanácsterem ELTE TáTK, Kari Tanácsterem 0.100C – (1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/a)

